Customizing Holiday Gifts With Powder Coating

The holidays is one of the most joyous and fun times of the year, but it can also be an overwhelming season as well. With so many amazing people in your life to give gifts to, it can start to seem repetitive after a few years. Thinking of unique and thoughtful gifts year after year can be hard, and you run out of ideas pretty quickly. A great way to add a unique spin to your gifts this year is to try customizing them with a little bit of DIY, TLC, and powdercoating.


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Three Unexpected Materials to Powder Coat

Rows of powder coated paneling in a spectrum of colors. Powder Coating is a fantastic way to lay down a hard, colorful, even surface. It is used to protect heavy industrial equipment and can also be used to improve parts on cars, bikes, lawn furniture, and so much more. But metal isn’t the only thing that can be powder coated. Here are three other materials that can receive the benefits of a nice powder coat: (more…)

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