A friend of Full Blown Coatings wanted his wheels done to match his car. He decided to do a three-tone….., Ink Black wheels with Toretto Red insets, covered with Clear Vision top coat for extra protection and extreme shine. They were beautiful!!!
A set of wheels like this can take up to 8-12 hours, and entails a great amount of detail. Each coat gets its own masking & prep, powder, and bake cycle. For this particular set of wheels, we charged $500.
Later we had a customer who wanted his rims done as well, and he happened to have a very similar color of car. We were able to show him these rims as an example of what Full Blown Coatings can do. He was in love, but wanted to switch the colors to create his own look. He chose a three-tone…, Toretto Red rims with Ink Black insets, covered with Starlight Clear coat, which gave it more metallic flake. Another happy customer, another great day at Full Blown Coatings!!!